
In addition to getting ready for classes, there are important things you need to know 当你开始把圣地亚哥当成你的新家时



立博 does 不 have any housing facilities on campus; however, we are surrounded 被许多公寓大楼.

  • www.apartmentguide.comhas hundreds of listings on local San Diego area apartments. 提供信息 免费.
  • www.首页stayservices.comprovides international students with "首页 away from 首页" accommodations with American 南加州的寄宿家庭.
  • Five bulletin boards are located across campus with ads for roommates by fellow students. 看看吧!


One of the first challenges in your new community is finding a suitable place to live. The choices of housing in San Diego include: residence halls (located usually near four year universities), apartments, houses, and rooms in private 首页s. 

Almost every rental situation requires you to sign a contract. 本合同规定 the rental amount, the rental conditions, and your responsibilities as a tenant, be sure to read everything in the contract BEFORE signing it!


Many rental agreements include the cost of water usage. 如果你需要安排 gas and/or electricity, contact San Diego Gas and Electric (SDGandE) at 1-800-411-SDGE (7343). 可能需要交保证金. 水电费是按月付给你的 ,并于收到时付款.





包括在你的租赁协议里. 联络南方广播公司


咨询服务电话:1-800-310-2355. 注意各种费用: installation charges, security deposit, long distance, and monthly charges.



It is 不 a good idea to carry large amounts of cash with you or hide your money at 首页. Instead, establish a savings and/or checking 账户 at a facility that is convenient 为你. You will need identification to open your 账户 - usually your passport 和/或驾驶执照.


Choosing the right financial institution is important because it can save you money depending on checking 账户 fees and the interest earnings on any savings 账户 你可能有. Visit several banks and compare their services, types of checking and savings 账户s, and costs before making your decision. 可用的检查类型 账户包括:

  • Minimum Balance Accounts:This type of 账户 is well suited for those who write more 每月10张以上. There is no charge for writing checks provided you maintain 每月最低结余. 如果余额低于最低限额,你可以 are charged a processing fee for the checks that you write.

  • Package Accounts:There is usually a monthly fee for services which include unlimited check writing, overdraft privileges (automatic loans charged to your bank credit card which permit you to write checks for more than the amount in your 账户), personalized checks, safety deposit box, check guarantee card, and traveler's or cashier's checks. Although this type of 账户 is beneficial if you write a large number of checks each month and do 不 maintain a minimum monthly balance, the monthly fees do add up.

  • 利息支票帐户:


    These 账户s pay interest on the balance compounded daily. 最低余额是 usually required and there is a charge for each check you write, which can often consume 这类存款的利息.

  • 储蓄透支范围:


    This is a form of protection from overdraft charges which is provided by some banks. If you write a check and do 不 have sufficient funds in your 账户. 虽然 is a transfer fee, it is usually less than the overdraft charges in a regular checking 账户.


正如你现在所知道的,美国的高等教育.S. 是昂贵的. 最大的问题 international students' face after arriving here is maintaining adequate finances for meeting the costs of personal and educational expenses. 由于资金来源 aid are very difficult for international students to obtain, an essential skill for your college success is the ability to become an effective manager of your money. It is an important skill which you will need throughout your life. 最好的方法 管理金钱就是制定一个每月预算计划. 这里有一些建议 预算: 

  • 确定你每月的“固定开支”.“这通常包括房租、水电费、 洗衣、保险费、洗漱用品等.

  • 估计一个月的“可变费用”. 这些将包括食物,娱乐, 衣服、书、用品和旅行.

  • Keep track of all your expenses in a 不ebook and analyze them regularly to identify 不必要或浪费的开支.

  • 避免依赖信用卡. 最快的破产之路就是花钱 你没有钱. The "buy now-pay later" approach to budgeting rarely succeeds.

  • It is important to 不e that your budget represents only an estimate of monthly expenses. 每个月留出一些钱以备不时之需."


You may be asking yourself, "Should I purchase an automobile?“这很重要 决定:需要仔细思考和考虑的决定. 有几个职责 以及驾驶和拥有机动车辆的要求. 成本总是更高 比一开始看起来的要多. 请记住以下几点: 

驾驶执照 You must obtain a valid driver's license in order to operate a motor vehicle - car 和/或摩托车在加州. To obtain a California license, contact the Department of Motor 车辆s (DMV) at 1450 Graves Avenue, El Cajon. 要获得资格,你必须通过考试 眼科检查、笔试和驾驶考试. 加州司机手册 可以从车管所免费获得吗.


Having valid vehicle insurance is required by law in California. 这意味着你不能 合法驾驶没有这种保险的汽车. 请查阅下面的电话黄页 “保险”为公司列表. 保险费率因你的性别,年级而异 平均成绩,甚至你是否吸烟.


车辆注册登记 If you own a motorcycle or an automobile, you need to register it with the DMV. 费用 vary based upon price, size, and the age of the vehicle.


你必须持有有效的许可证才能在校园内Parking. 许可证和收费信息可能是 obtained from the Cashier's Office in the One Stop Center.


车辆购买 You have evaluated your need, financial resources, and ownership responsibilities, 你决定买一辆车. 为你购买合适的需要小心 购物. Before you buy a used car, seek the advice of someone with knowledge about 汽车和二手车市场. 也建议大家开车去 到一个有资格的汽车修理工,并获得评估. 还建议 你在杂志上读如何“买一辆二手车”.“图书馆应该有好几本杂志 在这个领域.


The San Diego community has a large number of ethnic organizations which cultivate the cultural interests and activities of a specific country or region. 英国王室 Pacific Relations at Balboa park has almost thirty nations represented which present traditional festivals at various times throughout the year. 欲知有关 这些项目,请拨打(619)293-0739. In addition, San Diego State University's International Student Office schedules informal student "get-togethers" every Friday. 信息 有关这些活动的信息可在 http://www.圣地亚哥大学.edu.


There are several post offices located in each area of San Diego county. 检查 telephone YELLOW PAGES under "Post Offices" for a complete listing.